Consider Before Consuming

How Porn Fueled Violence and Control in My Relationship

Episode Notes

*Trigger Warning: This episode contains discussions of sexual violence. Listener discretion is advised.

Episode Description

Shelby’s early exposure to pornography impacted her understanding of sex, leading to misconceptions about consent and contributing to feelings of hypersexuality during her teenage years. In this episode, she shares about a past relationship where her partner's use of pornography had a detrimental effect on her emotionally and physically, and how sharing her experience over the past year has helped in healing and finding connection.

Episode Resources 

Article: Does Porn Normalize Sexual Violence in Teen Relationships?

Article: National Study Finds Porn Linked to Sexual Aggression and Coercion in Relationships

Article: 5 Ways Porn Has Lied to You About Consent

Article: Is My Partner’s Porn Habit Harming Our Relationship, or Am I Just Insecure?

Podcast: Consider Before Consuming Ep. 111: Bailey

Victim Resources

Resource for Partners of Porn Users: Bloom